Steps to Live In Abundant Health - Seremban Life Assembly
Jesus Calls - Healing Deliverance testomonies
Healing Testimonies - Citadel of Praise, Abundant Grace Fellowship, Rourkela - Sandeep Daniel
Healing Testimonies at Jesus Calls Meetings at Bilaspur and Raipur - Sandeep Daniel - May 17
Jesus Calls Chattisgarh Healing Meetings - Sandeep Daniel
United Church of God Healing Testimonies - Mysore - Sandeep Daniel - July 17
Healing Testimonies Upper Room Fellowship Singapore Jan 16
Healing Testimonies - SIB Kapit - June 17 - Sandeep Daniel
Healing Testimonies - Manna House - Kualalumpur - Feb 16
Healing Testimonies - Tabore Worship Center - Sandeep Daniel - July 17
Testimonies - Healing - Sandeep Daniel - Oct 16
Healing - TAMI Meeting - Sandeep Daniel - Pray - Patanamthitta Kerela July 16
Healing Testimonies - Cantonment Prayer Fellowship and Jesus Calls Bangalore March 16
Healing Testimonies IHope Church and Life Harvest Assembly Kualalumpur Malaysia Feb 16
Healing Testimonies - Praise Emmanuel Assembly and Immanuel AG Church - Kualalumpur Malaysia Feb 16
Healing Testimonies Dubai Singapore Jesus Calls Bangalore Jan 16
Healing Testimonies - Upper Room Fellowship Singapore Mar'15
Healing Testimony Fruitful Vine church Singapore- Mar 15-
Healing and testimony Zion Church Bangalore-Oct 15
Healing Testimonies - Bangalore Mysore Mumbai - 2015
Healing Testimonies - Chennai Bangalore 2014 - 2015 - Sandeep Daniel
Healing Testimonies- Miracle stories - ACTS Church-Chennai-Oct'15
Jesus Calls Healing Testimonies and Stories Bangalore Sep 15
Healing Testimonies City Harvest AG Church Aug 15
Healing Testimonies Borneo Evangelical Mission Lawas Sarawak Malaysia
Healing at Smyrna Assembly, Friday Night Live at Singapore- Mar15
Healing Testimonies Seramban Malaysia and Parra Camp 2014